Box Ironbark Ecology Course Instructor

The annual Box Ironbark Ecology Course, is a highly regarded, five-day, field-based course run each spring in central Victoria since 1998 driven by a range of enthusiastic, skilled and experienced regular and guest ecologists. Now based at Nagambie on the Goulburn River, the course is strongly activity-based and guides participants on how to read the landscape from an ecological perspective by drawing on interactions between the physical nature and evolution of the terrain, climate, the plants and animals (including invertebrates, mosses, liverworts and lichens) and the impact of people. Some of the highlights include being in the bush with a great bunch of informed and interested people all week, a range of interesting evening speakers, whole-of-day field study projects on the Thursday, and a special course dinner on the final evening. The course is always in demand and participants are drawn from across the region and from a range of perspectives including landholders and farmers, naturalists, environmental professionals, consultants, academics and landcarers.
Recent feedback from course participants on Paul’s contributions:
- What were the high points of the course for you? “Paul’s explanations of the botanical side of the course.” – Course Participant, 2011 Box Ironbark Ecology Course;
- What were the high points of the course for you? “Day 4 – small group out with Paul – cruising around looking at stuff! Great day!” – Course Participant, 2012 Box Ironbark Ecology Course;
- “Without question it was the most interesting and enjoyable course I have undertaken EVER! I was as much in awe of the knowledge of our experts as I was engaged by their presentation skills. Paul Foreman is a legend! I loved that most of the sessions were taught in the field.” – Course Participant, 2012 Box Ironbark Ecology Course.