Landscape planning

Landscape scale conservation planning and workshop facilitation
Increasingly, local communities are seeking to have a far greater say in the conservation of their local environment and biodiversity. Through Landcare groups, Conservation Management Networks and other community organisations, local people throughout Victoria are building their knowledge, skills and capacity to exercise more influence on protecting what is important to them about their local natural environment.
This project involved assisting one group – Kara Kara Conservation Management Network, based around the St Arnaud Range in central-western Victoria – develop its own strategic plan or ‘road map’ to conserve their local grassy woodlands, woodland birds, water courses and orchids in collaboration with others. The plan will be used to both raise awareness in the local community as well as act as kind of business plan to source funding to make it all happen over the coming decade. Advice was given on the process and design of the strategic plan as well as direct facilitation of community workshops to ensure the community’s ideas and knowhow was included.