Property bushland assessment

Property flora and vegetation assessment, management planning and conservation monitoring, Central Victoria
Individual property owners are often interested in receiving property-specific information and advice around protecting and enhancing their remnant bushland habitat and tracking the progress of their conservation management. This project involved undertaking a detailed survey of the remnant vegetation across a ~80 ha property near Newham in central Victoria, producing a high resolution vegetation map, a detailed species list, establishing permanent monitoring sites and providing guidelines on how best to manage and restore the property’s biodiversity. The guidelines included maps detailing proposed management and a kind of longer term vision; an impression of what the property might look like in the future should the proposed management be implemented. The detail produced by such property-specific assessment helps better support landholders’ on-ground decision making and maximise the success of their conservation efforts.
“Thank you very much for the maps and flora list. It is an excellent level of detail which we really appreciate.” – Property Owner, Newham.