Reserve establishment and management planning

Paul has a long and diverse experience identifying and securing high conservation values on private and public land. Working with both the government and non-government sectors – in senior roles with Bush Heritage Australia, Trust for Nature and Government agencies – he has been instrumental in acquiring numerous important reserves including: Terrick Terrick National Park and Korrack Korrack Grassland Reserve in Victoria, and numerous reserves managed by Bush Heritage in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Victoria and Tasmania. Paul has been variously involved in the full range of acquisition and management stages, including: securing support, developing budgets and sourcing finances, negotiating contracts of sale, facilitating settlement and then establishing secured properties as new conservation reserves.
Services include: candidate property field assessment and description; conservation reserve management planning and budgeting; writing funding submissions for government grants and philanthropic foundations; advising on capacity building and staff recruitment; baseline assessment and establishment of ecological monitoring, and evaluation and reporting.