Grassland conservation & tech. advice leadership

Paul’s long interest in grassy ecosystems began when he commenced a Masters of Science in Northern Plains Grassland ecology under Bob Parsons at La Trobe University in the early 1990’s and later was heavily involved with the acquisition of one of Victoria’s largest high quality remnant grasslands near Mitiamo now known as Terrick Terrick National Park. Since then, he has maintained involvement with further expansion of the grassland reserve network (including a number of acquisitions with Trust for Nature) and on-going ecological research, conservation management and recovery. As chair of an active grassland technical advisory group, Paul contributed to the recent successful push to nominate “Natural Grasslands of the Murray Valley Plains” as a critically endangered ecological community under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999). Paul is widely regarded as an ecological expert of riverine grasslands and temperate grassy ecosystems more broadly and has demonstrably shown leadership in both the on-going conservation management effort as well as in ecological research. Paul published a recent review of Northern Plains Grassland recovery in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria.
A range of grassland ecology and conservation management services are available through Blue Devil Consulting, including: ecological assessment, description and mapping, threatened community and plant survey, acquisition and reserve establishment strategy, ecological research and monitoring, conservation management and restoration.
Foreman, P.W. (2010). Recovery of the Northern Plains Grassland Community – an overview. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 122(2): 92-99. ISSN 0035-9211.
Royal Society of Victoria 122(2): 92-99
Link to thesis:
Chapter 2_Composition_Strutcure&Distribution
Chapter 3A_Time_of_European_Settlement
Chapter 3B_Time_of_European_Settlement